Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2008 SAPIENT Latest Placement paper pattern


2 programs to write .They are only looking at the logic...they don't care how u wrote the program,,,,ya..little bit they will c.. then there is a Techical +business interview.It was cool...they were very friendly.....so it was not a problem.

Program 1. Reservation. there are 67 seats in train . there are only 5 seats in a row & in last row there are only 2 seats. One person can reseve only 5 seat at a time. If person reserving seat , the care is taken that he may get all in row. if seats are not available in row then the arrangement is so that person group get nearby seats. the following class is given public class seat { char name; int seat; boolean isSeatempty } 1.Draw require class digram & object diagram. 2.Write function seatallot(int noofperson) to allocate seat with seat nuber printed for the each name.

Program 2. Stringreplace The forum is going on & administartor find that some people use abusing or bad lnaguage in discussion.so he decided that when he uses such language it was replacedc with beap. question for interview: 1. draw class digram,& use appropriate data structure. 2. write function replacestring()

1) Write a program for the problem: the array of

inetegers indicating the marks of the students is

given, U have to calculate the percentile of the

students aaccording to this rule: the percentile of a

student is the %of no of student having marks less

then him. For eg:


Student Marks

A 12

B 60

C 80

D 71

E 30

F 45

percentile of C = 5/5 *100 = 100 (out of 5 students 5

are having marks less then him)

percentile of B = 3/5*100 = 60% (out of 5, 3 have

markses less then him)

percentile of A = 0/5*100 = 0%.

2) The code was given for a problem & u have to

identitfy the logical error in it. That was simple.

The code was to merge the Danagrams of 2 words. The

danagram of a word is the letters of word arranfed in

sequential order. eg danagram of abhinav is aabhinv.

merging of danamagram is to merge the danagrams of 2

or more words such that the highest no of occurance

are coming for each alphabet.eg


round1: write 2 programs on paper in 1 hour


.based on chair char in trains function to

allot seats to people with some conditions like try to

give them consecutives one etc

.based on strings like give string remove

toxic words like stupid etc by ###


round2: write 2 programs on paper in 1 hour


.based on postal system,how to decide the amt

payable to companies sending post everyday, sorting

them,discount & many more requirements.

.to compress the data send across the company

& filter out the corrupted data.


round3: technical discussion for abt 45 mins on 2

programs of round 2

additional 2 programs to seach an element

immediately gr8r then all present in an array without


& a modified version of it to handle all

error conditions. etc

what questions I have

round4: behavioual interview 1(HR) for abt 45 mins


tell abt urself



describe deployment of one full project any


why sapient

what can u bring on table

conflicts in team & how were they ressolved


what questions I have


The test contained 3 questions:

1. design a class diagram or date model for this


A company has some clients & some officers. Also it has some rooms to be used for meetings between client & officers. one officer is responsible for each room. & room has unique room id. a meeting will be aranged only when the officer & client are free & room is also free. the officer & clients must be registered to the system which will give them unique email ids. arrange the meetings. dont write ode.

2. write a program to find the occurance of charachers '!', '$' '?' '.' ',' etc. Also write a function to replace all odd occurance of '?' to '.'.

3. there was a given program to insert a value at the proper postion in a doubly linked list. there was some logical error in that due to which it was not working properly. find out that error. it was easy.

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2008 Placement papers of Top MNC companies

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